Ficha de producto :

Referencia TV 10 C

Tubo de vórtice serie TV - Aire frío

Materia Acero inoxidable 316 L
Tipo Aire frío
Consumo 215 a 730Nl/mn
Conector G1/4"


NOVACOM develops and designs vortex tubes in France. Powered by compressed air, they are an innovative source of cold air, easily movable thanks to their magnetic bases.

Made of stainless steel, they are composed of several components, such as vortex generators..

NOVACOM offers 4 Vortex generators, suited according to the desired temperature delta. They allow the temperature and airflow rate to be adjusted in the vortex tube.

The incoming compressed air passes through the fixed cylindrical generator, which forces the air to whirl at high speed inside the tube. 

The air therefore heats up strongly by rubbing the inner walls of the tube and escapes through the hot air outlet.

The throttling valve, located at the hot air outlet, physically prevents the air flow from escaping. The air is then pushed back inward and is forced to make the reverse path through the center of the cyclone. This flow runs at a slower speed, and the speed differential causes significant heat exchange. When the air flow escapes through the cold air outlet of the Vortex tube, it can reach a very low temperature, up to a delta of 40°C, compared to the temperature of the incoming compressed air flow.